Application Forms
Application Forms
University Impact will conduct impact and financial due diligence on all potential opportunities. The Fund Advisory Committee, under the direction of the Board of Directors, will review the due diligence and make the final decision on what grants are made.
University Impact will conduct impact and financial due diligence on all potential opportunities. The Fund Advisory Committee, under the direction of the Board of Directors, will review the due diligence and make the final decision on what grants are made.
University Impact will conduct impact and financial due diligence on all potential opportunities. The Fund Advisory Committee, under the direction of the Board of Directors, will review the due diligence and make the final decision on what grants are made.
Application Form for Legal Aid
Application Form for Legal Aid
Legal Aid Eligibility Requirements: Concrete legal threats, evidence-based scientific integrity research, researchers based in the US or Canada. We do not fund legal threats that have not materialized, past cases, or cases involving authorship disputes.
Legal Aid Eligibility Requirements: Concrete legal threats, evidence-based scientific integrity research, researchers based in the US or Canada. We do not fund legal threats that have not materialized, past cases, or cases involving authorship disputes.
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Application Form for
Student Journalists
Application Form for
Student Journalists
Community Awareness Grant Eligibility Requirements: Applicants must be students at a college or university. Applications must specify a project that raises community awareness about scientific fraud or misconduct through journalism. The project can be planned or already completed. For planned projects, the applicant should have confirmation from a journalistic publication (e.g., student newspaper) that their piece has been invited for publication.
Community Awareness Grant Eligibility Requirements: Applicants must be students at a college or university. Applications must specify a project that raises community awareness about scientific fraud or misconduct through journalism. The project can be planned or already completed. For planned projects, the applicant should have confirmation from a journalistic publication (e.g., student newspaper) that their piece has been invited for publication.
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© 2023 University Impact
© 2023 University Impact
Application Form
for Legal Aid
Legal Aid Eligibility Requirements: Concrete Legal Threats, Evidence based integrity Research, Researchers based in North America, We don't fund legal threats that have not materialized, We don't fund past cases, We don't fund authorship dispute.
Apply Here
Application Form for
Student Journalists
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